Love Neighbor Opportunity: Sewing Cloth Face Masks

Love Neighbor Opportunity: Sewing Cloth Face Masks

One of our congregation members, Teresa Pearson, works for a behavioral health agency that provides essential services to residents who are in detox programs and reentry programs. With new guidelines for face masks, they are now needing additional face masks for their health care staff and residents. They will gladly accept sewn ones! If you have a sewing machine and would like to spend some valuable time making masks, they would be grateful to accept them. Teresa may be able to get expenses for them taken care of, and she would be happy to help find materials, wash them, cut squares, as long as it doesn’t require sewing skills.

If you would be willing to help, contact Teresa directly or our church office (816-452-8442 or So far, they do not have any staff or patients who have tested positive and that is a miracle in itself! The link below will provide instructions and it looks like what is needed is 100% cotton material and elastic.

Here are a few links to follow for instructions:…/how-to-make-medical-face-ma…/32006803…