Day 1
- Reflect on a time when you were completely surrendered to and immersed in worship to God. Write about where you were, what was happening around you, and how you felt.
- What did that encounter teach you about worship?
Day 2
- Read Psalm 147:1-12
- Reflect on what God has done and is doing in your life that inspires thanksgiving and praise.
- In the same spirit as the psalmist, write your own psalm of praise and worship to God.
Day 3
- Read Exodus 20:1-20
- How do you hear these verses in light of what you wrote on Day 1 and Day 2?
- Reflect on the interplay between worship, covenant, and law.
Day 4
- Read Exodus 20:1-20 and select one of the 10 Commandments that is more difficult for you to follow.
- Thinking in terms of worship to God, rewrite the commandment as an expression of worship to God.
- Write a prayer of commitment and strive to worship God in this way each day.
Day 5
- Reflecting back over what you’ve written this week, write out your own definition of worship.
- Where does it happen? What does it look like? What is its purpose?