Journaling Prompts, Week of October 18

Day 1: Reflection

  • Read Exodus 33:12-18
  • Be honest with yourself and reflect on how much you long for God to let you see God’s glory. Is it an abstract hope? A desire, but with limits on any inconvenience to you? A desperate longing that is with you when you wake up and when you go to sleep? What hinders you from fully seeking or seeking more of God’s glory in your life? Write out your reflections.

Day 2: Confession

  • Read Psalm 139:23-24
  • Re-read your reflections from Day 1.
  • Write out a prayer of confession to God.
  • Read Exodus 33:18 and copy the words of Moses’ request to God, then write out your own prayer of longing.

*Plan Ahead for Day 3*

Day 3: Worship

  • Be up in time to watch the sunrise (or to watch the day dawn if it’s cloudy) and read Psalm 19
  • Write about what nature and Psalm 19 teach you about the glory of God.
  • Sing a worship song to God.

Day 4: Thanksgiving

  • Read Jeremiahs 29:11-13
  • Reflect on and write about what God is saying to you through each of these truths:
    • God has good plans for you
    • God listens to the prayers of your heart
    • God is always with you and readily found when you are seeking him with your whole heart

Day 5:

  • Pray to God, recognizing God’s presence with you and then listen to and sing the Revelation Song.
  • Spend some time sitting in God’s presence.
  • Write out a prayer of worship and thanksgiving to God.