Journaling Prompts, Week of December 13

For Advent, rather than daily journaling prompts, we are inviting you to participate in a practice for the week. You may then journal about the practice itself, your response to it, any insights the practice brought up for you, etc. These practices come from Michaele Lavigne’s book, “Living the Way of Jesus – Practicing the Christian Calendar One Week at a Time”.

Scripture: Psalm 27:4-5

Advent Practice for Week 3 of Advent

Create space in your heart, mind, and life for Emmanuel, God with us, by participating in a partial media fast this week. You can do this in several different ways.

  • Give up one type/form of media all week.
  • Pick a day and give up all media for at least one day.
  • Identify the types of media that distract you from what God is wanting to do in you.

Reflect on what this space away from media taught you about yourself and/or God.