Using this time well…

Using this time well…

In this time when all of our rhythms have been turned sideways, upside down, and inside-out (or whatever other metaphor you want to use!), we are probably going to lean towards our default stress-relieving tendency. For some of us, that tendency might be to minimize the anxiety by trying to self-medicate with entertainment, food, or...

Tips for Online & Mobile Giving

Tips for Online & Mobile Giving

A message from our Church Treasurer, Randy Snowbarger: During this time that we will not be able to meet as a group at New Hope I wanted to thank you for your continued support of our ministries through the Church Center Mobile App and/or the church website at Several are new to this way...

Faithful Giving

Faithful Giving

Thank you so much for joining us yesterday for our Sunday Worship Online! The responses we received were very encouraging, and we are already looking forward to next Sunday.Our plan is to incorporate the congregation as much as we can, even though we won’t be meeting in person, so stay tuned for that! As we...