Week 3 – Tuesday Prompt

Week 3 – Tuesday Prompt

Use one of the cards included in the kit and write a note to a neighbor. Pick one that you either don’t know or haven’t seen in awhile and share a simple word of encouragement and blessing as we venture together into 2021. Usa una de la tarjetas incluídas en el paquete para escribirle una...

30 Days of Living the Vision – Week 3

30 Days of Living the Vision – Week 3

You can access the Living the Vision Kit documents for this second week through the following links: Invitation Letter Week 3 Guide Pueden acceder los documentos del Paquete de Vivir la Visión para la segunda semana usando los siguientes enlaces: Carta de Invitación Guía para la tercera semana

Week 2 – Thursday Prompt

Week 2 – Thursday Prompt

Reflect on the significance on your discipleship journey of living a life shaped by discipline. Prayerfully choose from one of the spiritual disciplines we have listed below and set aside time to engage in that discipline at least throughout the remainder of this month. Spiritual Disciplines: Daily Prayer, Daily Scripture Reading, Fasting, Journaling, Meeting with...

Week 2 – Tuesday Prompt

Week 2 – Tuesday Prompt

Use one of the cards included in the kit and write a note of appreciation to a friend who has been a means of God’s grace and love in your life. Usa una de las tarjetas incluídas en el paquete para escribir una nota de agradecimiento a un amigo que ha sido un conducto de...