30 Days of Living the Vision – Week 2

30 Days of Living the Vision – Week 2

You can access the Living the Vision Kit documents for this second week through the following links: Invitation Letter Week 2 Guide Pueden acceder los documentos del Paquete de Vivir la Visión para la segunda semana usando los siguientes enlaces: Carta de Invitación Guía para la segunda semana

Week 1 – Weekend Prompt

Week 1 – Weekend Prompt

Days 6 & 7 Use the weekend to reflect on what Love God, Love Neighbor, and Love Like Christ looks like in your life and pick a way to engage with one or more aspects of our church’s vision. Días 6 y 7 Usa el fin de semana para reflexiona sobre las formas en que...

Week 1 – Thursday Prompt

Week 1 – Thursday Prompt

Day 4 Reflect on the significance of being a part of a Christ-centered, committed group of fellow Christians who have permission to both encourage and to challenge you. Do you have those kinds of relationships now? Have you had them in the past? Write a prayer to God about what you long for in a...

Week 1 – Tuesday Prompt

Week 1 – Tuesday Prompt

Day 2 Join us in welcoming our new youth ministry directors and helping them get to know their new church family! Use the card in the pre-stamped and pre-addressed envelope in your kit to send greetings to Alberto, Marisa, and Anastasia Sarazua. If you didn’t get the kit, contact our church office for the Sarazua’s...

30 Days of Living the Vision – Week 1

30 Days of Living the Vision – Week 1

We are beginning our 30 Days of Living the Vision this Sunday, January 31, by inviting you to choose something to fast (media, a meal, social media, coffee…) and give time to prayer and fasting, asking God to move in our hearts individually and collectively over these next 30 days of Living the Vision. You...