Journaling Prompts, Week of December 20

Journaling Prompts, Week of December 20

For Advent, rather than daily journaling prompts, we are inviting you to participate in a practice for the week. You may then journal about the practice itself, your response to it, any insights the practice brought up for you, etc. These practices come from Michaele Lavigne’s book, “Living the Way of Jesus – Practicing the...

Journaling Prompts, Week of December 13

Journaling Prompts, Week of December 13

For Advent, rather than daily journaling prompts, we are inviting you to participate in a practice for the week. You may then journal about the practice itself, your response to it, any insights the practice brought up for you, etc. These practices come from Michaele Lavigne’s book, “Living the Way of Jesus – Practicing the...

Journaling Prompts, Week of December 6

Journaling Prompts, Week of December 6

For Advent, rather than daily journaling prompts, we are inviting you to participate in a practice for the week. You may then journal about the practice itself, your response to it, any insights the practice brought up for you, etc. These practices come from Michaele Lavigne’s book, “Living the Way of Jesus – Practicing the...

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 29

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 29

For Advent, rather than daily journaling prompts, we are inviting you to participate in a practice for the week. You may then journal about the practice itself, your response to it, any insights the practice brought up for you, etc. These practices come from Michaele Lavigne’s book, “Living the Way of Jesus – Practicing the...

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 22

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 22

Read Matthew 25:31-46 at the beginning of the week. This will be the focus of the journaling prompts. Peace Prayer of Saint Francis Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is...

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 15

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 15

Day 1: Read Matthew 25:14-30 Reflect on this text and write about the signs of grace and generosity that you see in the master who went on a trip. How does this text shape your understanding of God’s generosity? Day 2: Read Matthew 25:14-30 Reflect on this text again; today write about the personal way...

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 8

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 8

Day 1: Read Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 Picture yourself in the crowd of people listening and responding to Joshua’s speech and exhortation. Reflect or journal about what you are feeling as you read this passage from that particular point of view. Day 2: Read Joshua 24:1-3 Reflect on the people who were most influential in your...

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 1

Journaling Prompts, Week of November 1

This week we are inviting you to spend some time reflecting on the markers or symbols that stand as testimonies along your journey of faith. Day 1: Read Joshua 4:1-9 Today, take some time to write about your life prior to accepting Jesus as your Savior and note the ways you can now see that...

Journaling Prompts, Week of October 25

Journaling Prompts, Week of October 25

Wesleyan Covenant Prayer I am no longer my own, but yours. Put me to what you will, rank me with whom you will; put me to doing, put me to suffering; let me be employed for you, or laid aside for you, exalted for you, or brought low for you; let me be full, let...

Journaling Prompts, Week of October 18

Journaling Prompts, Week of October 18

Day 1: Reflection Read Exodus 33:12-18 Be honest with yourself and reflect on how much you long for God to let you see God’s glory. Is it an abstract hope? A desire, but with limits on any inconvenience to you? A desperate longing that is with you when you wake up and when you go...

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